The National Coalition Against Contraband Tobacco is a Canadian advocacy group formed with the participation of businesses, law and order organizations and individuals concerned about the growing danger of contraband cigarettes.  Our members share the goals of working together to educate people and urge government to take quick action to stop this growing threat. Media inquiries about the National Coalition Against Contraband Tobacco may be directed to

The NCACT receives funding from membership fees and from direct contributions from its members. A significant portion of that funding comes from the Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers Council (CTMC) whose members are Rothmans, Benson & Hedges Inc.; Imperial Tobacco Canada; and JTI-Macdonald Corp.


Executive Director

Rick Barnum is a recently retired Deputy Commissioner of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Investigations and Organized Crime command. During his 32-year career, Rick was privileged to participate in and lead numerous major investigations related to organized crime groups based in Ontario and beyond. Rick's growing expertise and intimate understanding of major crimes and and organized crime operations led him to become a sought after member and chair of numerous committees including the International Association of Chiefs of Police Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Committee, the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police Counter Terrorism and National Security Committee and the Canadian Integrated Response to Organized Crime.

Rick's depth of understanding of organized crime groups has equipped him with unique insights of how government, law enforcement, and the public can work together to combat organized crime activities such as contraband tobacco.

Rick is a recipient of the Officer of the Order of Merit of Police forces (O.O.M.) and the Queen's Diamond Jubilee medal.

Members of the Coalition